
namespace patches
class WavePropagation
#include <WavePropagation.h>

Subclassed by tsunami_lab::patches::WavePropagation1d, tsunami_lab::patches::WavePropagation2d

Public Types

enum Boundary


enumerator OUTFLOW
enumerator WALL

Public Functions

inline virtual ~WavePropagation()

Virtual destructor for base class.

virtual void timeStep(t_real i_scalingX, t_real i_scalingY) = 0

Performs a time step.

  • i_scalingX – scaling of the time step.

  • i_scalingY – scaling of the time step.

virtual void setGhostOutflow() = 0

Sets the values of the ghost cells according to outflow boundary conditions.

virtual t_idx getStride() = 0

Gets the stride in y-direction. x-direction is stride-1.


stride in y-direction.

virtual t_real const *getHeight() = 0

Gets cells’ water heights.


water heights.

virtual t_real const *getMomentumX() = 0

Gets the cells’ momensta in x-direction.


momenta in x-direction.

virtual t_real const *getMomentumY() = 0

Gets the cells’ momenta in y-direction.


momenta in y-direction.

virtual t_real const *getBathymetry() = 0

Gets cells bathymetry



virtual void setHeight(t_idx i_ix, t_idx i_iy, t_real i_h) = 0

Sets the height of the cell to the given value.

  • i_ix – id of the cell in x-direction.

  • i_iy – id of the cell in y-direction.

  • i_h – water height.

virtual void setMomentumX(t_idx i_ix, t_idx i_iy, t_real i_hu) = 0

Sets the momentum in x-direction to the given value.

  • i_ix – id of the cell in x-direction.

  • i_iy – id of the cell in y-direction.

  • i_hu – momentum in x-direction.

virtual void setMomentumY(t_idx i_ix, t_idx i_iy, t_real i_hv) = 0

Sets the momentum in y-direction to the given value.

  • i_ix – id of the cell in x-direction.

  • i_iy – id of the cell in y-direction.

  • i_hv – momentum in y-direction.

virtual void setBathymetry(t_idx i_ix, t_idx i_iy, t_real i_b) = 0

Sets the bathymetry of the cell to the given value.

  • i_ix – id of the cell in x-direction.

  • i_iy – id of the cell in y-direction.

  • i_b – bathymetry.

virtual void adjustWaterHeight() = 0

Corrects the water height based on the bathymetry

class WavePropagation1d : public tsunami_lab::patches::WavePropagation
#include <WavePropagation1d.h>

Public Functions

WavePropagation1d(t_idx i_nCells, const std::string &i_solver, Boundary i_boundaryL, Boundary i_boundaryR)

Constructs the 1d wave propagation solver.


Luca-Philipp Grumbach


Richard Hofmann


One-dimensional wave propagation patch.

  • i_nCells – number of cells.

  • i_solver – selected solver.

  • i_boundaryL – boundary condition on the left side

  • i_boundaryR – boundary condition on the right side


Destructor which frees all allocated memory.

virtual void timeStep(t_real i_scaling, t_real)

Performs a time step.


i_scaling – scaling of the time step (dt / dx).

virtual void setGhostOutflow()

Sets the values of the ghost cells according to outflow boundary conditions.

inline virtual t_idx getStride()

Gets the stride in y-direction. x-direction is stride-1.


stride in y-direction.

inline virtual t_real const *getHeight()

Gets cells’ water heights.


water heights.

inline virtual t_real const *getMomentumX()

Gets the cells’ momenta in x-direction.


momenta in x-direction.

inline virtual t_real const *getMomentumY()

Dummy function which returns a nullptr.

inline virtual t_real const *getBathymetry()

Gets cells bathymetry



inline virtual void setHeight(t_idx i_ix, t_idx, t_real i_h)

Sets the height of the cell to the given value.

  • i_ix – id of the cell in x-direction.

  • i_h – water height.

inline virtual void setMomentumX(t_idx i_ix, t_idx, t_real i_hu)

Sets the momentum in x-direction to the given value.

  • i_ix – id of the cell in x-direction.

  • i_hu – momentum in x-direction.

inline virtual void setMomentumY(t_idx, t_idx, t_real)

Dummy function since there is no y-momentum in the 1d solver.

inline virtual void setBathymetry(t_idx i_ix, t_idx, t_real i_b)

Sets the bathymetry of the cell to the given value.

  • i_ix – id of the cell in x-direction.

  • i_b – bathymetry.

inline virtual void adjustWaterHeight()

Corrects the water height based on the bathymetry

Private Functions

void handleReflections(t_real *i_h, t_real *i_hu, t_idx i_ceL, t_idx i_ceR, t_real &o_hL, t_real &o_hR, t_real &o_huL, t_real &o_huR, t_real &o_bL, t_real &o_bR)

Compute the reflection effect

  • i_h – water height

  • i_hu – water momentum

  • i_ceL – left cell

  • i_ceR – right cell

  • o_hL – water height on the left side

  • o_hR – water height on the right side

  • o_huL – water momentum on the left side

  • o_huR – water momentum on the right side

  • o_bL – bathymetry on the left side

  • o_bR – bathymetry on the right side

Private Members

unsigned short m_step = 0

current step which indicates the active values in the arrays below

t_idx m_nCells = 0

number of cells discretizing the computational domain

t_real *m_h[2] = {nullptr, nullptr}

water heights for the current and next time step for all cells

t_real *m_hu[2] = {nullptr, nullptr}

momenta for the current and next time step for all cells

t_real *m_b = nullptr


std::string m_solver = ""

selected solver (roe or fwave)

Boundary m_boundaryL = OUTFLOW

boundary condition on the left side

Boundary m_boundaryR = OUTFLOW

boundary condition on the right side

class WavePropagation2d : public tsunami_lab::patches::WavePropagation
#include <WavePropagation2d.h>

Public Functions

WavePropagation2d(t_idx i_nCellsX, t_idx i_nCellsY, Boundary i_boundaryL, Boundary i_boundaryR, Boundary i_boundaryT, Boundary i_boundaryB)

Constructs the 2d wave propagation solver.


Luca-Philipp Grumbach


Richard Hofmann


Two-dimensional wave propagation patch.

  • i_nCellsX – number of cells in x direction.

  • i_nCellsY – number of cells in y direction.

  • i_boundaryL – boundary condition on the left side

  • i_boundaryR – boundary condition on the left side

  • i_boundaryT – boundary condition on the top side

  • i_boundaryB – boundary condition on the bottom side


Destructor which frees all allocated memory.

virtual void timeStep(t_real i_scalingX, t_real i_scalingY)

Performs a time step.

  • i_scalingX – scaling of the time step (dt / dx).

  • i_scalingY – scaling of the time step (dt / dy).

virtual void setGhostOutflow()

Sets the values of the ghost cells according to outflow boundary conditions.

inline virtual t_idx getStride()

Gets the stride in y-direction. x-direction is stride-1.


stride in y-direction.

inline virtual t_real const *getHeight()

Gets cells’ water heights.


water heights.

inline virtual t_real const *getMomentumX()

Gets the cells’ momenta in x-direction.


momenta in x-direction.

inline virtual t_real const *getMomentumY()

momenta in y-direction.

inline virtual t_real const *getBathymetry()

Gets cells bathymetry



inline virtual void setHeight(t_idx i_ix, t_idx i_iy, t_real i_h)

Sets the height of the cell to the given value.

  • i_ix – id of the cell in x-direction.

  • i_iy – id of the cell in y-direction.

  • i_h – water height.

inline virtual void setMomentumX(t_idx i_ix, t_idx i_iy, t_real i_huX)

Sets the momentum in x-direction to the given value.

  • i_ix – id of the cell in x-direction.

  • i_iy – id of the cell in y-direction.

  • i_huX – momentum in x-direction.

inline virtual void setMomentumY(t_idx i_ix, t_idx i_iy, t_real i_huY)

Sets the momentum in y-direction to the given value.

  • i_ix – id of the cell in x-direction.

  • i_iy – id of the cell in y-direction.

  • i_huY – momentum in y-direction.

inline virtual void setBathymetry(t_idx i_ix, t_idx i_iy, t_real i_b)

Sets the bathymetry of the cell to the given value.

  • i_ix – id of the cell in x-direction.

  • i_iy – id of the cell in y-direction.

  • i_b – bathymetry.

virtual void adjustWaterHeight()

Corrects the water height based on the bathymetry

Private Functions

void handleReflections(t_real *i_h, t_real *i_hu, t_idx i_ceL, t_idx i_ceR, t_real &o_hL, t_real &o_hR, t_real &o_huL, t_real &o_huR, t_real &o_bL, t_real &o_bR)

Compute the reflection effect

  • i_h – water height

  • i_hu – water momentum

  • i_ceL – left cell

  • i_ceR – right cell

  • o_hL – water height on the left side

  • o_hR – water height on the right side

  • o_huL – water momentum on the left side

  • o_huR – water momentum on the right side

  • o_bL – bathymetry on the left side

  • o_bR – bathymetry on the right side

Private Members

unsigned short m_step = 0

current step which indicates the active values in the arrays below

t_idx m_nCellsX = 0

number of cells discretizing the computational domain

t_idx m_nCellsY = 0
t_real *m_h[2] = {nullptr, nullptr}

water heights for the current and next time step for all cells

t_real *m_huX[2] = {nullptr, nullptr}

x momenta for the current and next time step for all cells

t_real *m_huY[2] = {nullptr, nullptr}

y momenta for the current and next time step for all cells

t_real *m_b = nullptr


Boundary m_boundaryL = OUTFLOW

boundary condition on the left side

Boundary m_boundaryR = OUTFLOW

boundary condition on the right side

Boundary m_boundaryT = OUTFLOW

boundary condition on the top side

Boundary m_boundaryB = OUTFLOW

boundary condition on the bottom side